What’s Inside My Website?
Your Build-A-Brand website is where you will develop your online brand!
Home Page
- Your photo, title, and navigation links to the other pages and sections in your website.
- A full-width sliding photo gallery showcases you, your happy customers, referral program, and the products and services you sell.
- Your inventory is displayed allowing visitors to shop and request information regarding the new and pre-owned vehicles you currently have in stock.
- Three of your most recent photo customer reviews are displayed. This will help build confidence and trust with new visitors.
- “Call to action” sections are displayed, each with a button for making contact with you.
- The Recommend a Friend referral program lets visitors know you’ll reward them when they refer someone to you who purchases a vehicle.
- The Latest News section displays your three most recent blog posts.
- The Information section displays the number of vehicles you have for sale, the number of people who have purchased a vehicle from you (while using Build-A-Brand), the number of blog posts you’ve created, along with the total number of social interactions you have generated with your Build-A-Brand account.
- The Footer area displays your photo, links to your social media pages, contact information, general information about your dealership, and a blanket legal disclaimer.
Customer Reviews
- Your total number of Build-A-Brand customer reviews.
- Average star rating.
- Search area.
- Your photo customer reviews, consisting of a photo, the customer’s name, the vehicle purchased, star rating, customer comments, and social interactions.
- Scrolling down the page will make additional customer reviews appear.
- Photo reviews can be clicked to open the full-page version of the selected review.
- Opening a full-page photo review displays the review in a larger size and greater detail. Along with additional photo reviews displayed on the right side of the page, similar in-stock vehicles below the customer photo, and a button for viewing your entire inventory.
- A graphic display of all new & used vehicles in your current inventory.
- Your photo and multiple buttons for making contact with you.
- Button for inquiring about vehicles not found in your current inventory.
- Button for requesting a video walk-around on each vehicle.
- Request a test drive using VIP Test Drive.
- “What’s My Car Worth” button.
- New & used vehicle search area.
- Vehicle images can be clicked to open the Vehicle Detail Page (VDP).
- Opening a VDP displays the vehicle in a larger size and greater detail, along with additional photos and information about the vehicle, additional contact and vehicle inquiry buttons, as well as a payment calculator.
- A list of your most recent photo and video blog posts.
- Photo, text and “Read More” button in each post.
- Your photo and multiple contact buttons.
- Blog Categories. (based on your posts)
- Blog Archive. (older blog posts you created)
- Blog images and “Read More” buttons can be clicked to open the full-page version of each post.
- Opening a blog post displays the post in larger size and greater detail, along with additional photos, social media sharing buttons, and a “Similar Articles & Posts” display area.
Referrals (Not available in all areas)
- Details regarding your referral program, reward, and guidelines.
- Form for recommending people to you and for recommending you to other people.
- “Print Invitation” button that displays a printable Recommend a Friend invitation containing your information, along with the referrer’s contact information.
- “Contact Me” displays a page including your photo, street address, phone, email, contact form, and a Google map of your location.
- “About Me” displays your bio text. photo, name & title, along with a personal image slideshow.
Your Website Also Displays:
- Video Messages are displayed on the page/post/customer review of your choosing.
- Vehicle Brochures are displayed when you use the “Send a Brochure” function.
Last modified on Jun 14, 2018